Full paper submissions to INTERACT may address any area of human-computer interaction. Each paper will be handled by one of the INTERACT SubCommittees listed below.
On submission you will be asked to nominate the most appropriate SubCommittee, so please consider the list carefully.
- Permissions and Copyright forms have been moved into the Essential Resources section above. Key Dates
- Full Paper Submission: 1 February 2023, 23:59 (anywhere on earth)
- Reviews to authors: 15 March 2023
- Rebuttals due (requested only for borderline papers): 22 March 2023, 23:59 (anywhere on earth)
- Notification of acceptance: 5 April 2023
- Camera-Ready: 14 June 2023, 23:59 (anywhere on earth)
Submission and Publication Summary
- Reviewing process: Peer-reviewed
- Anonymous submission: Yes. Read about the INTERACT anonymity policy
- Length: Springer format, 18 pages + 4 pages for references
- Video: Optional, 30MB max
- Online Submission: PCS Submissions System
- Proceedings: Springer LNCS Series
Full papers are considered for the IFIP TC13 Awards. Read about Awards.
At least one author for each accepted submission must register for the conference to be included in the proceedings.
Author Guidelines Papers should be formatted using the Springer LNCS format. Authors should consult the Springer Authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, to prepare their papers. Springer proceedings LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.
Accepted full papers must be presented at the conference and will be published in Springer LNCS Series.
Authors should guarantee the anonymity of their submissions. Read about Anonymity. Full papers may optionally be accompanied by a video not exceeding 30 MB in size. Video stills will be published online and may be used for publicity.
Further Information If you require any further information please contact the Full Paper CoChairs: Antonio Piccinno and Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir
Email: fullpapers@interact2023.org
Interact Programme Committee Sub-Committees
Accessibility and assistive technologies Example topics: accessibility of mainstream technologies; HCI for an aging population; accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities; accessibility of virtual and augmented reality systems; implementing the EU Web Accessibility Directive; digital companions for older people.
Design for business and safety/critical interactive systems Example topics: automation; critical interactive systems; healthcare; human error; human work interaction design; safety; training; transportation; usable security.
Design of interactive entertainment systems Example topics: educational games; edutainment applications; games and gameful design; playful interactions; serious games and toys; TVx.
HCI Education and Curriculum Example topics: Building an HCI curriculum in a continuously changing technology and application landscape; innovative methods for teaching HCI; approaches to life-long learning; ; continuous development for HCI practitioners and researchers; the impact of culture and cognitive style of HCI teaching and learning.
Human-AI Interaction Example topics: Human-centred design of intelligent systems; personalization; interactive recommender systems; human control of intelligent systems; user trust; controls in automation; ethical aspects of intelligent systems; user-centric explainable AI; human-robot interaction.
Information visualization Example topics: data representations and interaction techniques; evaluation methods for information visualization techniques; methods for elicitation of user constraints; priorities & processes for visualizing data; methods for describing user interaction with visualization tools; visual analytics including human discourse and knowledge; visualization techniques and tools.
Interaction design for culture and development Example topics: cultural differences in interaction design; interaction design in developing countries; cross- cultural interactive systems for cultural heritage; sustainability and HCI;
Interactive Systems Technologies and Engineering Example topics: 3D interaction and human architecture for interactive systems; interactive technologies; model-based approaches for engineering interactive systems; multimodality; robot development (building and designing robots); wearable interaction.
Methodologies for HCI Example topics: user-centred design; participatory design; design and development processes methods, techniques and tools for evaluating interactive systems,; methods for identifying end-user requirements for interactive systems,; design rationale and traceability of design choices; requirements and needs analysis; task analysis and task modelling; usability; methods for studying user experience.
Social and Ubiquitous Interaction Example topics: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work; HCI for mobile interactions; interaction on the move; social media; social aspects of HCI, mobility.
HCI for Justice and Equality Example topics: HCI to support sustainable development; HCI to support reduction in food waste, water and energy use; HCI to support freedom of expression; Consideration of gender, sexuality and ethnic diversity in HCI; HCI and the digital divide; HCI and inclusion of disabled and older people; HCI countering adversity.
Understanding users and human behaviour Example topics: affective HCI and emotion; ethnographic studies; field reports and user studies; human perception; cognition and behaviour; interaction design and children.